Apply 4 out of these 6 sources of influence to transform behaviour in your business…
"The most important capacity we possess is our ability to influence ourselves and others. Learn to see every important challenge you face as an influence challenge”. The Influencer: The Power to Change Anything
The authors of the Influencer: The Power to Change Anything make the point that complex problems are not solved by silver bullets.
Their research found that change in your business will be more successful if you find a few vital behaviours that will have the most impact in contributing to the change you are looking to achieve.
They found that for successful behaviour change you must apply at least 4 out of the 6 sources of influence:
1) Personal motivation - it can be hard to change behaviour especially when the personal motivation of your team is low. Show your people that their work is worthwhile and you’ll get their buy-in to the behaviour changes you want.
2) Personal ability – building your team’s personal skill level and ability will influence the changes in behaviour you seek. For example, at The Delancey Foundation, skill building is taken very seriously and time is set aside and recorded and skill-building monitored.
3) Harness peer pressure - when enacting real change, you don’t always need the buy in of your whole team (there are always a number of rebels), but you do need the critical mass. Find those influential individuals in your team to support your cause and use them to get the rest of the team on board.
4) Find strength in numbers – this worked at the Delancey Street Foundation as the residents shared dorms and worked in crews, with crew bosses, this encouraged a pack mentality (familiar to the criminal residents). Work out how you can create this sense of unity for the change in your business.
5) Design rewards and demand accountability – small and regular incentives positively influence changes in behaviour.
6) Change the environment - sometimes simple changes in a business environment can influence behaviour. Think about the space you work in, sometimes a lick of paint, new office furniture or taking your team to lunch once a month can have the positive influence you seek.
Do you have a reward system in your business? What sort of reward system could you create to support the changes in behaviour within your business?
Remember you only need to apply 4 of these ‘sources of influence’ to your business to result in successful behaviour change.
Read more here about the overwhelming success the 6 sources of influence have had at the Delancey Street Foundation.