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Time to make your customers’ habits habitual

To truly hook your customer, you must manage their ability to act and motivate them into action. Your aim is to make their action easier than thinking.

For example, you’d be put off by a lengthy registration page, especially if you have to scroll down and fill in lots of information. However, the simplicity of 'Pinterest' or 'Instagram' is that you provide your name and email address and then you just post and view images.

This action also creates a habit to build and share a collection of images, this (without realising) keeps customers coming back.

To be successful in your business and ensure customers act on the trigger, your actions must:

· use less time

· use less money

· need less physical effort

· need less brain effort

· be more socially acceptable

· connect with existing routines

Click here to learn more about the significance of ACTIONS in influencing your customers’ buying habits.

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