Change the future of your business and pull for success…
The dictionary definition of change is ‘to make something or someone different, alter or modify, replace with something else, ideally something that is the same kind but newer and better’.
This doesn’t sound too scary, but when you mention the word ‘change’ to most people, it creates an atmosphere of fear and uncertainty.
The simple fact is that most human beings don’t like change. We like things the way they always have been. We accept and even embrace the status quo.
We are, after all, creatures of habit. We tend to shop at the same supermarket, buy the same food and drink and eat at the same time every night. We watch the same TV shows, choosing programmes we know we like. It’s rare for us to step out of our comfort zone, where we feel safe, secure and stress-free.
So, when you mention change to your team, these natural creatures of habit, how do they react?
Many of them probably perform the same tasks every day, because ‘that’s the way it’s always been done’.
Many of your team will be fearful of change. It can bring uncertainty and nervousness as it probably means that they will have to move away from the status quo and into something new and different.
But for your business to survive and grow, change is essential. If you want to stay ahead of your competition, you have to adapt and adjust to keep up with the changes in your industry or you will become irrelevant and get left behind.
If you push your people towards the changes you want, they may push back and resist, and your change implementation will be more difficult.
Pull your people towards making the changes necessary in your business and you will have a much greater chance of success.
If Dominic Cummings was able to use a change strategy to affect the nation’s mind when it came to leaving the EU, surely you can do the same in your business.
Click here to learn more about how Dominic Cummings and his big red bus turned a certain NO into a YES and how you can make the changes you want in your business by using the same PULL strategy.