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Blog 178 - Go in search of the right kind of conflict in your business

Go in search of the right kind of conflict in your business.

How often does conflict arise in your business?

How do you deal with it? Do you embrace it, or do you lock it away in a cupboard never to be seen again?

In Patrick Lencioni’s book ‘The Five Dysfunctions of a Team’ he promotes and positively encourages the idea of conflict. The right kind of conflict, Constructive Conflict.

Patrick has worked with many internationally recognised companies and believes firmly that it’s hard to move a business forward without conflict.

Holding someone to account is a conflict – and this should be an opportunity to move your business forward…

How often do you hold people to account in your business?

And how often is this conversation constructive?

Lencioni believes that conflict is productive, necessary and fundamental to the overall success of any team and any business.

Teams that fear conflict fail to have accountability conversations, they fail to address the issues that are holding the business back and fail to address the underperformance of any of their members.

Teams that engage in conflict must make their accountability conversations constructive and well structured.

Lead the way and your team will follow suit!

Accountability pays off – but it’s a challenge – your challenge!

Click here to learn how to have greater accountability conversations in your business... go in search of the right kind of conflict in your business.

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