Time to make customer care pay off for your business, just like it did for Pret a Manger
What happens to your business results when your customers think you do a magical job of taking care of them?
You win...
What happens to your business when your customers think you do a miserable job of looking after them?
You lose...
Clearly customer care deserves your attention
Does customer care really come with a financial pay off to your business?
Let’s think?
If one of your customers has a magical customer experience then:
Are they more likely to buy from you again?
Are they more likely to pay slightly more?
Are they more likely to buy other items from you?
Are the more likely to recommend you to other people?
The answer to these questions is yes!
Improving your customer care comes with significant financial benefit to your business.
Here is a perfect example of a magical moment:
A colleague of mine is a regular in Pret a Manger and after several visits to the same one, a member of staff approaches him and gives him a free green tea (his drink of choice on recent visits). He was not expecting it nor did he ask for it.
It was a magical moment – rewarding him for his custom and loyalty.
For Pret a Manger it’s a cup, a teabag and some hot water but for the customer its so much more…
How often do you surprise your customers with a magical moment?
When was the last time you thanked your customers or rewarded them for their continued business and loyalty?
It’s a small thing that Pret a Manger did, but this customer will go back, keep going back and tell everyone about it!
Click here to learn how to secure your customers loyalty and be like Pret a Manger.