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Chartered Accountants & Business Development Advisers
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6 words and endless questions, try it now in your business – success is guaranteed

Asking the right questions at the right time in your business WILL lead you to get the right answers.

Getting the right answers WILL lead to securing more business, growing your business and growing your profits…

So, what’s stopping you?

Most of us don’t have or haven't been taught the requisite skills to ask the right questions; but be in no doubt, your business growth and future success depends on you getting this right.

Rudyard Kipling wrote a poem called ‘The Elephant’s Child’ in 1880 that in our competitive world is more relevant than it has ever been.

I keep six honest serving men
(They taught me all I knew);
Their names are What and Why and When
And How and Where and Who.

All the best questions start with these 6 honest serving men, the key to your business success comes from asking the right questions and using these 6 words.

Here is a brief explanation of the words and their importance:

What? - This can be used to seek things out that are or will be… or used in a sequence to solve a problem.

  • What do you want the product to do?
  • What can we do to help you grow your business?

Why? – Seeks cause and effect – helps you to gain a deeper understanding of a business situation.

  • Why have you not purchased from us in the past?
  • Why are you looking for alternatives to your current supplier?

When? – Normally a simple question to ask, normally seeking a timeframe.

  • When do you want the product to be ready?
  • When do you want us to deliver?

How? – Looks at the process – how did this happen or how will this happen.

  • How many deliveries would you like?
  • How do you want the product packaged?

Where? – Looks to locate an action or event – this can be a simple question or part of a more detailed question

  • Where do you want to the product delivered?
  • Where will you store the item once it has arrived?

Who? – This question brings people into the question – connecting them with an action or an object

  • Who will take delivery of the goods?
  • Who do I need to contact to get payment?
  • Who will send me future orders?

Used correctly the six honest serving men will be at the core of the questions you ask within your business.

Click here to learn about the importance of the six honest serving men and when to use them to create better conversations and better business results.

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