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Blog 186 - How do you elevate your customers from uncertain to amazed

How do you elevate your customers from uncertain to amazed?

It’s true that most of us, whether employees or customers, live within a culture of uncertainty, especially in this current climate.

As a customer you are uncertain of the quality of the product or service you are going to get, the delivery time or the payment schedule.

As an employee you are uncertain about the tools and the training you are given to deliver consistently above-average experiences to your customers…

Uncertainty leads to an inconsistency of customer experience.

Your job as a business leader or manager is to reduce the uncertainty in your business and in your customers’ experience.

When you start reducing uncertainty you build a culture of customer amazement.

Zappos, an online shoe retailer, are a perfect example of the total involvement and ownership of the entire team in the culture of consistent customer amazement.

According to Zappos founder and chairman Nick Swinnmum, getting all your people involved is crucial:

“You need as many eyes, ears and hands working towards the same goal for themselves, not for someone else”

This meant that the Zappos employees delivered this above-average customer experience because they wanted to, not because they had to.

Swinnmum removed the uncertainty and inconsistency and moved his business into a culture of consistent customer amazement.

This change transformed the profits of Zappos…

So how do you start building this culture of consistency in your business?

First you need to know how inconsistent your business is…

In his book ‘The cult of the customer’ Shep Hyken suggested you take your business up the ladder of customer care…

Click here to find out more about this ladder and how to create a culture of consistent customer amazement in your business.

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