Helping your business to a more profitable future as well as reporting the past
Chartered Accountants & Business Development Advisers
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Why settle for less profit and more stress when you could choose MORE PROFIT and LESS STRESS

Invitation to Business One Page Plan Event - 29 November 2017

At this short event, you’ll learn all the nitty-gritty details about how 20 businesses used the Business One Page Plan to grow their business – so you can grow your business and be more confident about your future too.

You’ll be familiar with the saying: “What gets measured gets managed”

When you measure and manage the right things, you get the right results.

Measure the wrong things and you miss out.

Join us at this short event and you’ll tap into greater performance, greater cash, greater profits for your business.

A profitable morning…

Discover the simplicity of The Business One Page Plan (BOPP) and get your hands on the profit improvement you see here. 

These are the net profit results of 20 businesses who measured the right things using the BOPP.

Worth investing a couple of hours of your time?

This business-owners-only event is about healthy, common-sense, business basics.

This is what business owners had to say about a previous event:

“Helped me get a clearer way to move my business forward”

“Inspiring entertaining & funny”           

“All aspects were excellent”

Will the Business One Page Plan work for YOU AND YOUR BUSINESS?

At this short event, you’ll learn all the nitty-gritty details about how these businesses used the Business One Page Plan to grow their business – so you can grow your business and be more confident about your future too.

Time to make a big difference…

It’s true... this common-sense approach can make a huge difference to your business efficiency and productivity and in just one morning of your time you’ll…

Discover the key measures driving your business success

Never again will you be unsure or uncertain about how well your business is performing

Knowing exactly what needs to be done will always be at your fingertips

You will also see how this tool can act as a brilliant way to motivate you and your entire team

Those are big promises, of course. But our guest speaker, Paul Shrimpling, has seen the Business One Page Plan work all over the UK. You’ll hear real-life inspiring stories of other businesses making it work so you can see how it can help you and your business too.

Please join us…

Date:           29 November 2017

Venue:       Chelmsford City Racecourse

Cost:            It’s FREE

Why FREE? This event is sponsored by Croner TaxWise and is our opportunity to demonstrate our commitment to business growth in our region. And because of the power of this event we hope to grow our reputation as an accountancy firm committed to helping businesses grow (as well as help them with their accountancy).

Next step…

To confirm your place please email –

We hope to see you there.

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