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An enthusiastic team in the ‘new normal’ of your business

An enthusiastic team in the ‘new normal’ of your business

As we move into another week of the changes to our lives due to covid-19, the new phrase seems to be ‘the new normal’.  The way we work has changed certainly for the foreseeable future.

As some restrictions are lifted, we are all having to adjust to ‘the new normal’.

So, what does this mean?

For many of us, it will mean working from home, caring for young children or managing older children’s schoolwork, or shopping for older relatives.

For others it means changing the environment you work in so that you and your team can stay safe and also customers and suppliers that visit your place of work can stay safe too.

This ‘new normal’ can be stressful, your team will be feeling the pressure of working from home, the anxiety about the work they do and uncertainty about the future.

This means they will want to ensure they make a significant difference to your business, which can often mean they are doing longer hours than they did in the office, still answering calls and emails well into the evening.

The time between home and work has become blurred as we don’t have the separation of the drive home or the extra-curricular activities that separate the workday from the evening.

Working from home can also feel very isolating. Going into the office and being part of the social team is just as important as being part of the work team. The camaraderie, the banter, the catch up over a cuppa is no longer there, and although many have adjusted to the ‘zoom’ catch up – it’s just not the same.

Many of your team may be feeling different things at different times, you included with your own concerns and anxieties – it’s a lot to manage.

How do you deal with all this and still try to manage your business through these uncertain times?

A study by the Sirota group focuses on 3 things to ensure your team stay positive, stay motivated stay appreciated and understand their role in the future of your business.

  • Fairness – fair treatment, comes from a blend of job security, fair pay and respect. At the moment your team will be nervous about all 3 of these things – try to treat every member of your team fairly, resentment in uncertain times can be divisive - reassurance is the key
  • Achievement – praise the work your team members do – maybe now more than ever before they need this recognition, it builds a sense of purpose and value
  • Camaraderie – this is challenging at these times as you are all probably working remotely but maybe get together at the end of the working week for a non-work zoom call, maybe have a quiz, share good news stories. This lets your team know that you are there for them personally as well as professionally.

You will help your business and your team manage this uncertainty when you build a sense of fairness, achievement and camaraderie within your team.

Click here to learn how to help your business survive and thrive with an enthusiastic team.

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